Monday, August 8, 2011

The Diet

Posted by Yung Fei

The essential part that you must pay attention when you do the diet is your meals. To get the diet successfull you must avoid eating some food that consist a lot of cholestrol food. This is the best way to get the successfull diet than you eat the diet pills.
Pay attention to some food which prohibited and you must avoid are meats, milk, bread, cereal,charbohidrat food, and the sweetest meals.

The meats
You must avoid meat like pig, lamb and cow because they are too many cholestrol that can make your weight gain. If you want to eat the meat,you can look for the meat  which contain less cholestrol, for example fish. Fish is reccomended meat if you want to eat meat.Beside it contain less cholestrol,it contain a lot of protein that you need.

Milk contains a lot of fat, you better avoid milk if you don't want to be fat or you can look for the milk which contain low fat. You can contact your gym to buy a milk which contains low fat and high protein or whey.
The same things is yogurt and cheese,it is also prepared by skim milk which can make the body fat. Cheese contains more calories and fats which you must avoid it.

The bread isn't dangerous like meat. Some bread allowed to be consumed when you doing the diet program,but you also pay attention to bread that contains cheese, chocolate, vinegar and the other cholestrol food which supply your bread.
Avoid consuming sereal in every morning if you want your diet program successfull. Most of them contains a lot of portion of sugar and fats. You can change your cereal to Oats. Oats has 100%  natural and 0 has sugar, of course the portion is 3 soup spoonful every morning. Let cange your bad habbit consume the cereal every morning.
Carbohydrates Meals
You prohibited eat carbohydrates in a lot of portions,just eat charbohidrat food in balance portion to avoid gains weight. The example of carbohydrates food is rice. Consume rice in balancing portion and never eat rice over 9 pm o'clock. It will give you extra carbohydrates.

Example some of prohibited Food: Hamburger, pizza, mayonnaise, sugary jams,butter, alcohol, ice cream, cake, cookies, muffin.
Article you may interest in readingf : healthy food

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